Follow the Leader

He stood there, with hands folded behind his back, chin lifted high, looking directly at my daughter. Her two hands were full as she perused the iphone aisle. I caught his eye and made a beeline for her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. He continued to watch.

My son drew near and decided to look in the next aisle. The man shifted his focus, drew back a few steps, and reset his gaze on him instead. I repeated my actions. I caught his eye, drew my arm around my son’s shoulders. The employee had to know. These young teens weren’t alone. They weren’t unsupervised. Just doing his job? Yeah. I actually believe that. However, a little too well.

My kids never noticed.

I was furious. He would not leave.

It’s happened SO MANY TIMES. I was ready to unleash all of my pent up anger on this dude. I had quite the letter penned in my head to send to the manager. Shall I recount the many other instances? Once, in a clothing store, we were followed into every single area. “Do you need something from me? Have I bothered you in some way?” The employee got the picture and left us shop in peace. Truth is, I can’t count on my hands how many times we’ve been followed in stores.

I’ve asked many of my white-family friends, “Has this happened to you?” They don’t know what I’m talking about. My black friends do.

Skin aside, perhaps you are one of those who have experienced being followed. Strange, isn’t it? This didn’t happen to me until my children arrived. Strangely enough, it never happens if my husband is with us.

In case you are wondering, I didn’t send a letter. The morning I planned to type it out, I prayed beforehand and then, my fingers wouldn’t work. They shook so badly, I couldn’t write. I had to leave this instance, this man, to the Lord. It was, however, the first time I was going to tackle the issue head-on. You might think it a mama-bear failure. That in times like these, I need to shout with fist raised.

I have another solution. It’s crazy. It’s radical. And I can’t wait to see how it plays out in the future.

There’s a verse floating around by those who have taken up the social justice banner. It’s a good one, though I think there are two words left hanging as if void of meaning.

Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”

Quite a wild bouquet of words. My justice requires those two extra parts to even work the way it’s supposed to. Are you being followed too often? I got to thinking about another Man that was followed. One that was followed for every reason under the sun. Some for good intent, others not. Some out of fear–would this man cause a social revolt? Give way to another Roman massacre?

No. A crucifixion happened. A redemption…one that changed the world. So I began to ask a new kind of question.

How can I redeem these times? You should have seen the grin that spread across my face. Systemic, microagressive, ignorance, racism, whatever aside–these are real humans in need of a real savior.

Next time we are followed? I’m gonna share the gospel. Wanna stand that close to us? Follow us into every aisle? Get ready to hear some gospel truth. I almost can’t wait for the chance. I’m going to pour out so much of that never-ending mercy in their lives, they will either lean in or run.

Sweet, humble, wild kind of justice. Redemption.

Will you pray for us?

Until next time,
